AquaAdvisor – AI water tracker编辑

3个月前更新 34 0 0
AquaAdvisor – AI water trackerAquaAdvisor – AI water tracker
AquaAdvisor – AI water tracker

AquaAdvisor is an intelligent voice-controlled drinking assistant app developed with GPT. It provides practical features to help you maintain proper water intake and take care of your health. Now, you can add, delete, or modify drinking records easily with just a few words, no manual operations required.

AquaAdvisor tailors drinking plans based on your unique situation and needs, providing personal recommendations on how much water to drink. Worry less about drinking too much or too little because our system will give you the best advice based on what your body needs.



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关于AquaAdvisor – AI water tracker特别声明

本站未来已来AI导航站提供的AquaAdvisor – AI water tracker都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由未来已来AI导航站实际控制,在2024年 1月 23日 下午9:49收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,未来已来AI导航站不承担任何责任。


Hightime AI:销售团队的AI助手

Hightime AI:销售团队的AI助手

Hightime AI是什么? Hightime是销售团队的 AI 助手,为您处理所有重复性任务和耗时的研究。 它连接所有销售工具和沟通渠道,并在他们与买家沟通的地方提供他们需要的帮助,从而消除了使用多种工具的需要。 它可在您的工作工具(例如 Zoom、Meet、Slack、Notion、电子邮件、Salesforce 或 Hubspot 等)中按需使用,让您有更多时间与客户建立更深层次的关系并达…

