6pen Art

6pen Art

6pen 是一个使用 AI 技术,利用文本生成绘画作品的产品,这意味着,你可以仅仅通过文字描述画面内容,风格,就可以得到画面。 国内团队出品,用户无需内测,打开后直接可以使用。6pen 支持图像尺寸,参考图,随机种子等核心功能。另外,6pen支持中文,而且汇总了不同的绘画风格,用户在输入文字描述的同时,还可以选择水墨画、油画、素描等风格,同时还可以选择仙境、赛博朋克、超现实等风格修饰。 官网地址:…


元宇宙世界AI内容创作引擎 On the DimAI platform, you don't need to have any artistic talent or complex drawing design skills. Just use keyword descriptions and parameter settings, such as color, shape, style and so on, then you can obtain satisfactory works easily. In addition, DimAI's image library can quickly inspire your creative inspiration and realize drawing creation efficiently. In the creation world of DimAI, you can combine your imagination and art together and enjoy the fun of creation!